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Senator Linehan Endorses Rick Holdcroft for Legislature

Senator Linehan’s Statement about Legislative Candidate Rick Holdcroft:

“Rick Holdcroft has a distinguished record of service to his community, our state and this country. We need more leaders willing to serve in the Legislature for the sole purpose of making our state stronger. Rick will work with us in Lincoln to make sure Nebraska remains the best place to live and raise a family.”



Congressman Don Bacon Endorses State Senator Lou Ann Linehan

“Senator Linehan is an amazing leader in the legislature and has a long track record of accomplishment for the people of Nebraska. From her work on Capitol Hill, to her service in Iraq with the State Department, she always puts America and her fellow citizens first. As a member of the Unicameral, she has always demonstrated a willingness to listen to constituents and solve the tough problems. Our state is better because of Lou Ann and the strong character she brings to Lincoln. I wholeheartedly endorse Lou Ann Linehan for Legislative District 39 and look forward to continuing to work with her.” -Don Bacon

State Senator Lou Ann Linehan

Nebraska Legislative District 39

Senator Lou Ann Linehan was elected to the Nebraska Legislature in 2016 and represents Elkhorn, Valley, Waterloo and areas of Omaha and Millard. She is chairman of the Revenue Committee and serves on the Education Committee. Lou Ann was born and raised in rural Johnson County in Southeast Nebraska on a dairy farm her brother still operates.


Property Tax Relief and School Funding

A Video Interview with Senator Lou Ann Linehan

with Fred Knapp, NET News (Nebraska)

The Issues


Lou Ann is working to reduce property and state income taxes for families, small business owners, and seniors.


Decisions affecting students should be made by parents, teachers, and elected school board members.

Job Creation and Workforce Development

A strong economy and a modern workforce are vital to our future.


Lou Ann is dedicated to protecting a culture of life in Nebraska, from conception to natural death.

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